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Become a supporter today

Your financial support is a deeply meaningful way to share in our passion and is a deeply important investment in our future.

The eVoco Voice Collective is a tax exempt (Under section 501(c)(3) of the US IRS Code) not-for-profit organization that relies on champions of our cause – people just like you – to help us bring the transformative power of music to our greater community. Your donations are tax deductible, and they help ensure that we are able to continue our mission well into our bright future.

All donors are recognized in our programs, and are listed in the following categories.  Dollar amounts are cumulative per-season donations (each season runs from September through June the following year):

  • Patron: $1,000+
  • Partner: $500 to $999
  • Supporter: $240 to $499
  • Friend: $100 to $239
  • Fan: Up to $100

Please submit donations at least two weeks before each concert to ensure your name will be credited in the next concert program, both in print and online.  Once a donation is made, please email [email protected] to ensure that we properly credit you in our upcoming program.

We offer both One-Time Donations and Subscription-Based Donations. If you are interested in a subscription-based donation, you can either chose one of the pre-set tiers under “Become a Monthly Supporter” or, to enter a custom amount, you can go to the “Make a One-Time Donation” section, click the “Donate” button, enter a custom amount, and then check the “Make this a monthly donation” checkbox on the PayPal page. 

Please choose one of these options below to support our unique mission here on Long Island and keep our future strong:

Become a Monthly Supporter

Make a One-Time Donation

Or send your donation check to:
eVoco Voice Collective
30 Earle Avenue
Lynbrook, NY 11563

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